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In life, I find the most happiness and peace by embracing the simple things...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Cajun Chicken, Bacon & Jalapeno on a bed of Fresh Steamed Kale

As I was staring into the fridge last night trying to decide what to make for supper, an abundance of fresh veggies from Dad & Moms garden (BWA Commercial Garden) were staring back at me. I decided to get creative and use some of the Jalapenos and all the fixins for a 100% fresh garden salad. Below is the recipe for 1 (one) serving - duplicate to accommodate your family size!

Cajun Chicken wrapped Bacon & Jalapeno!
1 chicken breast (I use tenderloins so it isn't as thick, takes less time to cook)
1 jalapeno (sliced in 1/2, lengthwise, top cut off and de-seed for mild spice)
1 strip of bacon
1 Tbsp shredded cheese (approx)
1 tsp ranch dressing (or cream cheese)
Cajun or Taco seasoning (or whatever seasoning you like on chicken)
(For family size meals, just grab a lb of bacon, a lb of chicken tenderloins or breasts, 3-6 jalaps and cheese, ranch and seasoning)

1. Preheat oven or toaster oven to 375*

2. Pound the chicken breast with a large spoon, meat hammer, or whatever you find in your kitchen, to flatten and tenderize chicken. Sprinkle cajun or taco seasoning all over the top/bottom of the chicken.

3. Take the jalapeno, like a little boat, and fill with the ranch dressing or cream cheese. Then sprinkle the cheese on top. Wrap the bacon around the jalapeno boat and place across the middle of the chicken breast.

4. Wrap the chicken around the jalapeno/bacon boat, try to stretch it so it doesn't flop open while baking. (Use a toothpick if you need to, just make sure it doesn't burn while baking.)

5. Place on a lightly greased pan or pan rack and bake for approx. 15-20min. Chicken should reach an internal temp of 175-180 and be juicy, but not pink! I like to use a meat thermometer, which I got at WalMart for $2-3, very handy and good to have if you do a lot of grilling too!

Bacon Wrapped Cheesy Jalapeno Boats
A yummy appetizer to this can be made by merely using step 3 and throwing in the oven @ 375* until bacon is sizzling and browned and cheese is melted!

Steamed Kale

Kale is something I

come to love since my parents started growing it. It has a similar taste to broccoli, brussel sprouts, collard greens, etc...

3-6 large Kale leaves - Cut or torn into bite size
salt & pepper
1-2 Tbsp butter

In a large skillet, melt the butter over med-low heat and sprinkle in a pinch of salt and pepper. Toss in the Kale and cover.... watch closely to see the leaves start to wilt, approx 2min. Stir/fluff the Kale once, at a pinch more salt & pepper if you want and re-cover, approx 1-2min more. When the Kale has all wilted, you will see it has turned to a deep rich green - its done!!! Don't let it over cook!!

Place the kale on a plate and put wrapped chicken on top. I served it with a fresh garden salad and Newmans own Parmesan garlic dressing... love Newmans Own because 100% of the profits go to charity, pretty cool!!!

Hope you enjoy!