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Monday, May 23, 2011

Liability on a golf course...

So Nick went golfing this weekend for his cousin Justins bachelor party....Shocking that he went golfing before me this year... I even let him use my clubs!!! But thats beside the point...:) HAHA. Not being a regular golfer, he questioned our friend and me about a topic that came up while on the course.

Most golf courses have houses lining at least a few of the holes and straying golf balls are inevitable.The question is:

Who is liable when a golfers errant ball finds a window of one of those houses???

Is it the golfer?
Is it the homeowner?
Is it the golf course?

I've found quite a few different opinions, arguments and variations...

GOLFER - You break it you buy it... As a golfer one should foresee risk of property damage and assume the responsibility if the ball goes errant and breaks a window. Is this restricting golf to those who maintain control over their shot at all times? At least much more costly. Now, intentional damage for entertainment or other purposes is obviously a very different story.

HOMEOWNER - Thats what you get for living on a golf course! That house is restricting a damn good opportunity for a golf shot!!! haha. Everybody lets it slip, at least once in awhile. Make sure your homeowners policy can cover it if you're moving to a golf course. You wouldn't move to a beach and try to sue Mother Nature for damages after a hurricane. Extreme example, yes...

GOLF COURSE - As a business, these types of risks are assumed, right? Therefore, insurance coverage should be purchased for these instances. There aren't "ball control" guidelines on golf courses therefore a golfer shouldn't be held liable just because real estate developers want to make money. In addition, the golf course doesn't want to hear homeowners constant complaints about broken windows, so putting insurance coverage in place for this situation is the best way to avoid disruption to business.

Any thoughts/opinions?